Previously posted June 8, 2015
Every year the Iowa City Area Home Builders Association holds a Parade of Homes and this past weekend (6/6) kicked off the annual parade. I enjoy checking out the new homes to see what is new and different, but my favorite part of the Parade is put on by the Remodelers’ Council. These projects may range from an updated master bathroom to an entire house remodel, and every year reveals something exciting. We are fortunate to have both talented remodeling contractors and homeowners willing to open their homes for all to see. When walking through each of these houses, you cannot help be both impressed by the craftsmanship and inspired by the creativity. The homes are in well-established neighborhoods and some even look a little older, which is what makes these projects even more impressive and important. You can see the dramatic change from older materials and inefficient layouts to updated products and people-friendly designs. It’s exciting to think that these older neighborhoods can be revitalized one room at a time just so long as the time and care is put into them.
The Parade shows what can be done with a little imagination and the help of a professional. Clearly this applies to housing, but you can expand this to the rest of your life with a little creativity. Are you waiting for inspiration to run a marathon? Drop 20 pounds? Shake up your circle of friends? Take control of your financial life? All are within reach if you are willing to think like a remodeler. After this weekend, I can see things in a new light.
Wishing you the best and hoping you receive the enlightenment you need to make the improvements you need in your life.