Scary Savings Rates

Back in the early eighties, trick-or-treating was the second holiday of the season (my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and it was glorious.  After a night of hard work knocking on doors and lugging sacks of candy around, we would regroup at home and sort out the loot.  Now anyone who has enjoyed the trick-or-treating bonanza, […]

Like Fine Wine

On a recent episode of 60 Minutes, the interviewer talked with Bill Koch about a widespread scam in the industry of “fine wine”.  Mr. Koch is a collector of many things, including rare and valuable bottles of wine. He began the interview by talking about purchasing four bottles of wine allegedly once owned by Thomas […]

Perfectionism, enemy of the good

Nearly two weeks ago I was in a training class talking about The Perpetual Wealth Code™ (PWC) and how we can help people to discover it for themselves.  During the class, we talked about blogging and how Access Your Capital has been out there for a little while now (thank you, McFie’s!), and many more […]

Better than Dave

A friend of mine is a follower of Dave Ramsey and the other day she mentioned that everyone should take the Ramsey course that she had just completed.  The course centered on debt reduction, cutting up credit cards, and paying cash for everything so I was curious to hear what she got out of it.  […]